Being a parent can be a very rewarding and fun experience. Watching your children grow and develop gives you great pleasure. However, sometimes you may find yourself not enjoying your parenting. In fact, you may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. This is normal, some parents at some time in their life will experience burnout.

It is not uncommon to feel over-whelmed at times. Usually, burnout happens when the daily stress of parenting becomes chronic and so over whelming that you are exhausted and cannot enjoy your children. There are many factors that can sap your time and energy and causes you to become burnt out. In order to turn things around the situation identify the things that may be the cause of added stress.

• Some parents feel they need to be a perfect parent. Analyzing and second guessing every decision.

• If you have a child with a mental health or physical challenge can take most of your time and energy everyday.

• Working parents not only have the responsibilities of their job, but the responsibilities in the family. Often working parent feel guilt for leaving their child every day.

• Problem with finances. Worrying how to pay the bills, or the loss of a job can become an overwhelming stress.

• Scheduling too many activities for the child or children. The stress of working, family chores and obligations, and getting your child to softball, dancing school, swimming, tennis, karate and many other extra curriculum activities may be adding to the family’s stress.

• Being a single parent can add to stress, especially when all decisions and responsibility is on your shoulders.


The above stressors may cause you to become burnt out. Examine the following list to see if any apply to you:

• You may feel trapped and even suicidal

• You may eat too much or not enough.

• You may experience addictive behaviors

• It effects your health and you can become physically sick

• You are at risk for anxiety and depression

• You may feel detached from your family emotionally. And not enjoy any family moments.

• You are often frustrated and irritable • Difficulty in sleeping

• Arguing with your mate may increase • Feeling you are not a good parent and you are not accomplishing anything with regards to your children.

Unfortunately, parents who are feeling burnt out, have a higher risk of neglectful and violent behavior toward their child or children.


• Ease up on your workload. You don’t have to cook a big dinner each night. Have a simple dinner night of pizza or hot dogs. Don’t worry if there are toys on the floor, your house does not need to be picture perfect every hour of the day.

• Pick your battles. For example: your toddler has a tantrum every time you wash her face. Hand her the washcloth and allow her to wash it herself. It is ok if your child wants to wear a shirt that does not match her pants.

• Know when you need help. Examine your schedule and see if you can cut back on any of the child’s extra curricula activities. You may be able to make arrangements with other parents for sharing the driving to the child’s activities.

• If you have a physically or mentally challenged child, talk with your child’s doctor or therapist to see if there are any programs you could access to give you help in caring for the child.

• Get rid of the guilt. You are not alone. Many very good parents are experiencing the same thing you are.

• Give yourself permission to make a mistake. No parent is perfect.

• Talk to other parents. There are many support groups that could help you gain insight into how you are feeling. Talk to a trusted friend or family member. Do not keep your feeling bottled up inside.

• Have a family discussion. You may need to establish some new rules and boundaries. Many times, a parent who wants to be perfect or feel guilty about working, will try to do everything. Sit down with your family and divide some of the chores. Even small children can do simple chores.

• Just be silly and play with your child. Sing silly songs, dance or pretend to be different animals. These silly times will help you to enjoy parenting.

Give yourself permission to make a mistake. No parent is perfect.