Babies cry, they cry loudly, and often. Fussy babies can cry for extended periods of time. On occasion, a parent or caregiver can become very frustrated or even angry when the baby will not stop crying. When a person severely shakes the baby or toddler it can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome. (SBS)

SBS is caused when the baby is forcefully shaken. The reason we cradle a baby’s head and support it when handling the baby, is because babies are born with very weak head and neck muscles and often cannot support their heads. When a baby is shaken with force, his or her brain moves back and forth inside the skull, causing bruising, swelling and bleeding. This impact often keeps oxygen from the brain cells and kills the brain cells. SBS is not usually caused by gently bouncing baby on your knee, or even from a fall off furniture.

Here are symptoms you should be aware of:

• Extreme fussiness or irritability

• Difficulty staying awake

• Breathing problems

• Poor eating

• Vomiting

• Pale or bluish skin

• Seizures or tremors

• Paralysis

• Coma

• Trouble sucking

• No smiling or talking

• A larger than usual head or forehead

• Different size pupil

• Not being able to focus

• Favoring one arm or leg over another

• Bruises on arms or legs where they baby may have been grabbed

Occasionally there may be symptoms that are not apparent like bleeding of the brain. In mild cases of SBS, a child may appear normal after being shaken, but over time he or she may develop health or behavioral problems.

Survivors of shaken baby syndrome may require lifelong medical care for conditions such as:

• Partial or total blindness

• Developmental delays, learning problems or behavior issues

• Intellectual disability

• Seizure disorders

• Cerebral palsy

If you become aware of any of the above symptoms. Ask yourself: Do you know of anyone involved with the baby’s care experiencing any of the following?:

• Alcohol or substance abuse by anyone in the family.

• Unstable family situation.

• Depression- it is not uncommon for a new mother to become depressed

• Unrealistic expectations of babies

• Young or single parenthood

• Stress

• Domestic violence

• A history of mistreatment as a child

Also, men are more likely to cause shaken baby syndrome than are women.

SBS can cause death. Even brief shaking of an infant can cause irreversible brain damage. That’s why it is very important that if you know of anyone who is not coping well or you see these symptoms in a baby, seek immediate help. You may have to call the police. Getting medical care right away may save the child's life or prevent serious health problems.

Mayo clinic, (mayoclinic.org)

This information is for general purposes only and should not be construed as a substituted for professional advice from your health professional. We do not support self-diagnosis based on any information found in this fact sheet. We are not responsible for any self-diagnosis made by a reader based on information found in this fact sheet. It is merely meant to be an informational tool to present warning signs that should be brought to the attention of a medical doctor.