By preschool age, (3 to 6 years), most children have learned to talk in full sentences. They love to talk about things they have done.
For example: “Remember yesterday when we saw that butterfly, it was so pretty.”
Very young preschoolers may struggle with stories and putting happenings in the correct order. By age six they are usually able to tell a story in the proper sequence.
Preschoolers may tell fantastic stories. They love to recount imaginary stories.
For Example: “Daddy took me fishing and I caught a fish bigger than this room!”
They start to recognize written words on signs like McDonalds .
You may notice your preschooler having conversations with himself during play. Many times, they will be mimicking words they hear you say to them.
For example: Your little girl may be talking to her doll and say, “You need to be patient, I’m getting your dinner now.” It can be very enjoyable to sit back and watch and listen to your preschooler as she is playing.
• TALK ABOUT FEELINGS WITH YOUR PRESCHOOLER. He/she is often experiencing many different feelings during the day. Some feelings are positive, and some are negative. Some feelings may be strong and even frightening. Put words to the feelings. Children at this age need to know that what they are feeling has a name and it’s ok to feel that way.
For example: “I know you are feeling excited about the party this afternoon, but you have to try to calm down until then.” “You are feeling sad because your friend cannot come over to play with you today.” “I see you are mad because your block tower fell over.”
You can also use this time to help the child identify why they are feeling as the do.
For example: “You seem very sad today, it is because it’s raining and you can’t go outside?”
• ASK YOUR PRESCHOOLER QUESTIONS ABOUT THINGS SHE HAS DONE. Ask questions that require more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no”.
For example: Instead of, “Did you have fun at preschool today?” (which can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”) Ask, “what did you do at preschool today that made you happy?”
Use new words,
For example: “It sounds like you had a delightful time.”
• PRESCHOOLERS LOVE FANTASY PLAY. Create opportunities for your preschooler to pretend play either alone or with friends. Provide dress up clothes, hats (fireman, policeman, baseball, hard hats, straw hats, astronaut helmets etc.), toy dishes, dolls, and doctor sets are all ways to encourage pretend play.
• PRESCHOOLERS WILL OFTERN TALK TO THEMSEVES. Don’t interrupt him. The self-talk allows him to concentrate on what he is doing.
This is also a time in your preschooler’s development when she is making a connection between the spoken and the written word. Label familiar parts of your child’s environment to help your child make this connection.
For example: above their coat hangers put a sign that says, COATS, above shoe bin write, SHOES, put a sign on their bed that says, BED.
Participating in activities together can be a lot of fun. As part of your activities have your child draw a picture and you write what the picture is about. Make up stories together and as the child dictates you write it down. Have fun reading it back. Have your child send a get-well card to someone who it not well, or send a simple “I love you” card to Gramma and Grampa. All of these activities will help your child to expand his communication from oral to both oral and written communication.